CrashCam CineProductions

Austin ChronicleBOB RAY IN THE NEWS


Jerry Renshaw, Austin Chronicle

Dir/scr/ed: Bob Ray; Prod: Barna Kantor; Exec Prod: Nicole Ray, Bob Ray; Co-exec Prod: Tamas Kovacs, Victor Soares, Kurtis Machler; DP: Jackson Saunders; Cast: Jerry Don Clark, Ted Jarrell, Russel Porter, Chad Holt, Paul Wright, Louis Olmeda, Rob Gasper, Steve Gervitch, Kurtis Machler.

PigPoke needs to go on tour. As long as pot smokers are around, itshouldn't be a problem to raise money, $25 at a time, right? It wouldseem easy, but head PigPoker Toe gets too far into debt to his dealerand things get more complicated. After a bout with a dart-administeredbig-game tranquilizer that leaves him prostrate in the gravel with anempty wallet, he's sent to Del Rio on an errand to settle things up. From there, of course, things only get much, much worse for theunfortunate bagman. Rock Opera turns into a hysterically funny slackercaper movie filled with a stale-beer Austin-underbelly ambiance ofpawnshops, shabby apartments, and punk rock bars (trombone slingers theFuckemos do a song of which Sousa would not have approved), all traveledby our hapless reefer-befogged hero Toe. Like Slacker, its locations andattitude are all very familiar to us Austin denizens, but its plottwists, characters, and direction should carry it well past the TravisCounty line. ˆ

- Jerry Renshaw, Austin Chronicle

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