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C CrashToons Presents



CrashToons Presents
"Spanish Lessons with Chupacabra Volume 7: Conversational Spanish"

Learn Spanish from a native!

run time: 1:12
added Aug 18, 2008



CrashToons Presents
"Night of the Kung Fu
Zombie Bastards
from Hell!(redux)

A psychedelic nightmare scenario erupts as kung fu zombies battle for the brains of a helpless young woman in NIGHT OF THE KUNG FU ZOMBIE BASTARDS FROM HELL! (redux), a surreal stop-action animated, negative-projected, in-camera-edited kung fu zombie flick shot on super 8 negative film.

run time: 2:48
added Oct. 5, 2008

more CrashToons Presents


CrashToons Presents


A pink dragon ponders the meaning of life…
it's a total freakin' conundrum.

run time: 29 sec.

more CrashToons Presents


CrashToons Presents

"Puppies vs. Kittens"

A free kitten, a free puppy and a gambler's dream collide in this hilariously evil ‘toon.

run time: 54 sec.

more CrashToons Presents



Old Stupid Shit:
yeah, we know they were made years and years ago, but they're kinda cartoony, ane we made them, so screw you, buddy! what's your problem anyway?
now enjoy these fine clips:

pre-CrashToons Presents

A short dose of drunken Muppetry.
Yeah, shit-faced drunk.
Music by Austin's Hobble.

run time: 34 sec.

more pre-CrashToons Presents


pre-CrashToons Presents

"The Adventures of
Donald Starkland

TOADS is a low rent, drug fueled science fiction epic... yay for marijuana and booze and pills and action figures and bongs and a camera!

run time: 3:45

more pre-CrashToons Presents


episodes in-the-works:
Bear Hands
Fire Ants
Road Kill
Seeing Eye Dog
Prison Blues
Peanut Head


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