CrashCam CineProductions


I finished the first trailer today. I think it looks pretty good. We are submitting it to the Austin Film Society’s Texas Filmmakers Production Fund grant. We’re kind of bending the rules, since the deadline was several weeks ago. The judges just got into town this weekend and won’t be reviewing the tapes until tomorrow morning. Barna will sneak the tape in and hopefully, they will award us $4000.

Doing the trailer was my first time using the Media 100 and it was also my first time to actually edit by myself. I’ve done the two VCRs hooked up and a little work on a linear system. But the process was so tedious that I immediately didn’t like it. I am more suited for production. However, after this weekend, I’m sold on the non-linear editing system. It rules. And it was a lot of fun. I was amazed at how easy and fun it was. I thought I hated editing, but I realized that it’s not editing that I dislike, it’s the old way of doing it. These computers are the tops.

I edited a bunch of the action sequences to the "Kane" song that PigPoke plays. It’s really fast and action packed. I think that if nothing else, the movie looks exciting. I can’t wait to show it off.



The rest of the footage has arrived. The hard drive we’ve been waiting on should be here tomorrow and hopefully it will be installed then too.

I met with Dave Dannhein today to show him the trailer. He’s going to interview me via e-mail for Austin Monthly.

I showed the trailer to my parents. I looked over at my mom as she watched it and saw an expression of shock. She was smiling, but horrified. She said that she liked it, later on. Bill also liked it and though it looked real professional.

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