Odd Odyssey Part 4
Episodes 9-12
One side of America: We are the honored guests of the USC School of Cinematic Arts.
The other side of America: Getting desperate, cold. Staying at a gay orgy pad sounds like a wonderful respite.
Odd Odyssey Episode 9
Total Badass Tour Journal Vol. 9: The Lay
Down the PCH. Bob Ray and Chad Holt are the esteemed guests of the USC School of Cinematic Arts. Golf with the legend himself, Harvey Sid Fisher (@astrologysongs), actor, musician, writer, poet. Chad goes dancing/cuckolding. It’s as big as Chad’s hand.
Featured in this episode:
Chad Holt
Bob Ray
USC Professor
Harvey Sid Fisher, Actor, Singer/Songwriter (www.astrologysongs.com)
Scratch Acid
Unidentified Co-Conspirators
Locations: Los Angeles, California, University of Southern California (USC) School of Cinematic Arts, Egyptian Theater, Jumbo’s Clown Room, Thai Karaoke Place
Odd Odyssey Episode 10
Total Badass Tour Journal Vol. 10: Yank Area
NYC took all our money and broke Chad’s camera. Revenge of the butthole. “I did like the idea of filming people doing coke, filming shit you normally don’t want to have on film.” JimJames saves the day.
Featured in this episode:
Chad Holt
Bob Ray
JimJames from Boston
Unidentified Co-Conspirators
Locations: Providence, Rhode Island, Cinema, Providence Library, Boston, Massachusetts
Odd Odyssey Episode 11
Total Badass Tour Journal Vol 11: Bean2Bean
“It rained all night. Nobody came to the screening. We slept in the car. And then the cops showed up.”
On the plus side, Jeff Pinkus of Butthole Surfers, Honky, Melvins fame and fun. Bonus: come get a tour of what once was the condo where John F. Kennedy was raised and is now a gay orgy pad. Smell the magic!
Featured in this episode:
Chad Holt
Bob Ray
Jeff Pinkus, Butthole Surfers, Honky, Melvins
JimJames from Boston
John Prine
Unidentified Co-Conspirators
Locations: Boston, Massachusetts, Cinema, Bar, Jamaica Park
Odd Odyssey Episode 12
Total Badass Tour Journal Vol. 12: The Lay 2 The Lay
We screen at the Echo Park Film Center and it’s fun. Then, off to the world famous Egyptian Theater in Hollywood for a date night with a drunken sailor, “I seriously wanna choke the shit out of Bob, man.”
This episode is a cautionary tale about drinking too much and joining the US Navy. Enjoy! And thank you for your service, seaman!
Featured in this episode:
Chad Holt
Bob Ray
Will from the U.S. Navy
Bad Brains
Willie Nelson
Unidentified Co-Conspirators
Locations: Los Angeles, California, Echo Park Film Center, Hollywood, Egyptian Theater