Hell On Wheels

Hell on Wheels takes a from-the-trenches look at the dizzying clash of athleticism, exhibitionism, egos, politics and business that is modern-era roller derby. A group of hard-hitting Texas women overcome myriad obstacles in resurrecting and revamping the sport, only to find internal strife ripping the fledgling organization apart. Two leagues emerge from the clash, and what follows ignites an international roller derby revival.
Hell on Wheels ... and Weed. Bob Ray takes the show on the road By Marc Savlov, Austin Chronicle, Aug. 13, 2010

“Hell on Wheels is an epic doc. It's fast, fun, and inspiring.”
- Chris Gore (founder, Film Threat Magazine)
“…the kind of twists, drama, cat fights and compound fractures that only happen in real life. …the story is extremel y compelling, sometimes laugh-out-loud outrageous and above all inspiring.”
- Ain't It Cool News
"Hell on Wheels is full of adrenaline-fueled highs, heartbreaking lows, and lots of chicks in short skirts kicking the shit out of each other."
- The Onion A.V. Club
“Hell on Wheels is a killer documentary about the Austin all-women's roller-derby leagues that inadvertently launched a nationwide (and now worldwide) revival of the sport.”
- Salt Lake City Weekly
“Hell on Wheels is a fascinating story and a fun movie.”
- Cinematical